Wednesday, March 18, 2009

smthg about today

18 march 2oo9...It was a swelthering day...THe weather was stifling hot...
FOr my RM10's sake, i had spent my whole afternoon to calculate my dad's stock...till now, my head still feel throbbing pain...
today, i had received a quite long msg from my old friend...He got advised me to be aware of my friend surrounding me...Juz because he thinks tat every ppl in this materialistic world is all cheap..haha...In my opinion, i think not certainly all the human being is all cheap...but wat hav filled in my mind is every ppl is all selfish...including an example...if somebody do not have any selfishness, will he/she always study harder and harder to achieve a good result...Obviously, the answer be no...

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